
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More Diwali

More of the Diwali decoration and also our beautiful Myriam...
For those of you, that couldn't make it... sorry... you really missed a great celebration!


dragonbreath said...

Hey Nilde!

The blog is great!! I'm so sorry that I've only just discovered it. Must have lost the address that you gave us the last time. Thanks for the reminder. I went back and looked at all the previous posts. It is evident that you love what you do. The kids are having a great time.

Keep up the wonderful work. Some people are just meant to be teachers - you're one of them.


Unknown said...

Hi Nilde,
Really this blog is great..Here is samudra's mom.Just want to tell something abt your work.This blog shows its self your effort for kids.I just love the way you are working with kids&your dedication for them, just remarkable.Its my belive that u have that quality to shape a kids form zero to ten.jsut keep up the good work.
love always,
subhashree(samudra's mom)